John Nunez | Realtor, GRI
How many years in real estate? 2.5 years in real estate
What is your main focus in Real Estate? I help anyone. Buying, Selling, Leasing. I've lived in both North and South Austin and have friends in both areas so I'll help anywhere.
Where do you live? I live in South Austin. Legends Way at Onion Creek
What's something most people don't know about where you live? I don't know if there are any secrets left about South Austin. It's an awesome area with lots of activity from food trucks to different places to grab some beers. Lots of unique places down here.
Give us a real estate fact or something interesting about the place you live. Lots of neighborhoods down here are a little older and don't have HOA's. This allows for lots of customization. People like the feel of an established neighborhood with big trees etc. They can buy these older homes and update the inside and get some really cool properties.
Why did/ do you choose to work in real estate? I chose to work in Real Estate because I liked the process of buying a home, updating it some, and getting a good return on my investment. I wanted to help others do the same.